Descriptions of Fun Games:

    Fewest Putts:

      The scorekeeper for each group will record the number of putts used by each player in the group on each hole.  The league member with the fewest putts for the round wins first prize, and runner-up is the player with the second-fewest putts.  If you use your putter from the fringe or the rough around the green, that does NOT count as a putt – only strokes with a putter from the putting green count.

    Most One-Putt Greens:

      The scorekeeper for each group will record the number of putts used by each player in the group on each hole.  The league member with the most one-putt greens wins first prize.  If you use your putter from the fringe or the rough around the green, that does NOT count as a putt – only strokes with a putter from the putting green count.

    Most Drives in Fairway:

      On each hole other than the par 3s, the group's scorekeeper will record whether each player's first shot on the hole ends up in the fairway of the hole being played.  The league member with the most drives in her/his own fairway wins the prize for the night.

    Fewest Drives in Fairway:

      This is the favorite game of players who are wild off the tee!  On each hole other than the par 3s, the group's scorekeeper will record whether each player's first shot on the hole ends up in the fairway of the hole being played.  The league member with the fewest drives in her/his own fairway wins the prize for the night.

    Throw Out Two Worst Net Scores:

      How many times have you said, "Boy, if I just didn't have those two bad holes, I'd have had a great round."?!?   Well then, this game is for you!  For every player in the special event, we will calculate the player's net score AFTER the two net holes that are most over par are thrown out.  The league member with the lowest net total after the worst two holes are removed will win the event.  Note: for regular league play, the worst scores are NOT thrown out – only for the special event are the worst two net scores ignored.

    Best Poker Hand with Net Scores:

      We take everyone's net scores on each hole, and make the best 5-card poker hand possible from the scores.  Normal poker rankings will be used: 5-of-a-kind beats 4-of-a-kind, which beats a full house, etc.  Four eights beats four sevens, so higher scores are winners in this game!  The league member with the best hand made from their net scores for the round will win the event.

    Everyone in a Sudden-Death Playoff:

      You've seen sudden-death playoffs on the pro tours before....  In a regular pro tour event, if two or more players are tied for first place after regulation play, a sudden-death playoff is held.  If a player scores worse than the best score on the first playoff hole, that player is out of the playoff, but the other players continue on to the next hole.  We'll simulate that for this fun event:  everyone starts on the first hole of the round in a playoff, and only those players who tie for the best net score will continue on in the playoff to the second hole.  The playoff simulation continues until until there is a playoff winner, using net scores.  Of course, you play your own ball for all nine holes; this special event will be worked out from net scores after the cards are all turned in.

    Most Gross and Net 5's:

      This Special Event counts the total number of 5's on each player's scorecard.  For this game, we will add up the number of 5's on the original scorecard (gross scores), PLUS the number of 5's after handicap strokes are deducted (net scores).  The league member with the most gross 5's and net 5's for the round will win the event.

    Playing a Match against Captain Bogey:

      For this special fun event, we have a fictional special guest player joining us – Captain Bogey!  The event will be a simulated match-play 9-hole round against a player that makes a net bogey on each hole.  If you make a net par or better on a hole, you win that hole vs. the Captain; a net double-bogey or worse loses you that hole.  The winner this week will be the player that is the most holes up on Captain Bogey after the round.

    The Elimination Challenge:

      Everyone plays her/his own ball for all nine holes for the round; the special event will be worked out from net scores after the cards are all turned in.  All players with the worst net score on the first hole of the round are eliminated from the special event.  Then of the remaining players, those with the worst net score on the second hole are eliminated.  Eliminations will continue on each hole of the round until there is only one player left, or the round is finished with more than one player left in the game.  If there is more than one player left at the end of nine holes, then the highest handicap of all uneliminated players will determine the winner of the special event.

    Closest Net Score to 29 After 7 holes on 7/29:

      This special fun event will be to see who has a net total score that is closest to 29 after the first 7 holes of the round on July 29 (the date is 7/29 – get it?).  It doesn't matter if the score is over or under 29 – the number of strokes away from 29 is each player's special event score, and ties will be broken using league handicaps, as always, highest handicap winning.

    33-24-15 Tournament:

      Here's how a 33-24-15 tournament works:  each player earns one point for each net stroke on a par-5 or par-6 hole, two points for each stroke on par-4s, and 3 points per stroke on the par-3s.  The points will be calculated after the conclusion of the round using net scores, and the player with the fewest points will win the event.

    Modified Stableford Tournament:

      This event is one in which the most points wins. Your net score on each hole earns points, according to this scale:
      net double-eagle or better . . . +8 points
      net eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +5 points
      net birdie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +2 points
      net par . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 points
      net bogey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –1 point
      net double-bogey or worse . . –3 points
      This format rewards risk-taking. If Player A has all net pars, and Player B has 4 net birdies, a net par and 4 net bogeys, the two net totals would be the same, yet Player B would have 4 points while Player A would have 0.

    Old Man Par as your Partner:

      Imagine having a partner in a Better-Ball event who never makes a bogey!  Well, that's the situation in this special event – you are partners with Old Man Par.  We'll take your net score on each hole, and compare it to the par for the hole:  if you have a net par, birdie or better, that's your score for the hole; if you have a net bogey or worse, don't worry, because your partner Old Man Par will pick you up on that hole!  The league member with the fewest strokes when paired with Old Man Par wins the fun event.

    Drop-out with a Net Bogey or Worse:

      One of the things that keeps a good round going strong is having a string of holes without making a bogey.  This special event rewards the league member who goes the longest from the start of her/his round without making a (net) bogey or worse.  If you make a net bogey or worse, you are out of the special event.  The league member who does NOT make a net bogey or worse for the longest stretch starting with the first hole of the round wins the prize for this game.

    Each Hole More Important than the Last:

      In many tournaments, the most important holes are the last ones   each hole is more important as you go along. In this event, each hole is worth a number of points that is equal to the hole number.  That means that #1 is worth one point, #5 is worth five pts, #9 is worth nine pts, etc.  Points will be awarded for each hole as follows:
        net par ==> you win the points for the hole
        net birdie ==> double the points for the hole
        net eagle or better ==> triple the points
        net bogey ==> 0 points
        net double bogey ==> minus half the points you've accumulated to that point
        net triple bogey or worse ==> score reset to zero
      The player with the most total points for the event is the winner.

    Saving your Best for Last:

      In this special fun event, each player earns the number of points equal to the hole number of the LAST hole of the round on which she or he makes a net par or better.  If you make a net birdie, you get the hole number plus 1 point; a net eagle is worth the hole number plus 2 points.  So if you save your best for last, you'll earn lots of points in this special fun event!