Visiting the Sick

Priests make regular hospital visits and emergency calls anytime.  Please call the Church Office:  (724) 981-5566


Prayer Request Line

“Therefore, I too, hearing of your faith in the Lord Jesus... remember you in my prayers” (Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, 1 : 15 – 16).

As we journey through life, we experience many moments of joys, sorrows and difficulties needing the support and prayers of our parish family.  We have had a parish prayer line for many years.  As prayer requests are called to the parish facilitator, there is a list of parishioners who remember the requests in her or his daily prayers.  From the list, each person calls the next person to relay the requests.  Realizing God’s great love and mercy for his children, we pray that the needs of our people are answered according to God’s will.

Requirements:  A person of prayer concerned with the needs of others.

If interested in becoming a member of the prayer line, call Kathy Borsa or Mike Borsa, our Prayer Request Facilitators, at one of the following numbers:
Mike:  (724) 977 – 5508
Kathy:   (724) 866 – 6137


Becoming Catholic — RCIA

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process of faith formation for adults who wish to become Catholics.

Please call the Church Office or the Religious Education Office for information.


Liturgy of the Word for Children

During the 11:00 am Sunday Mass, children ages 4 years old to 2nd grade can hear the Gospel proclaimed in their own simple language with some activities focusing on the spiritual theme of the day.  The numbers of children are from 20 to 25 or more.  We are in need of additional adults to sit in the room and assist with our active group.

Requirements:  Love of children, Diocese of Erie Protection of Children paperwork and clearances from the State of PA and PA Children Services.

For more information contact the Parish Office at (724) 981 – 5566 and ask for Kathy Higgins.


Funeral Brunch Servers

When someone dies in our parish, there are several needs that can be part of what you might choose to do.  We use adult servers for the funeral Masses and we are always in need.  You will not be scheduled, unless it meets your time frame.

We have need for cooks, servers, and kitchen help, once again, based on your availability, and we also need cakes donated to be used for the meals.

If you would like to be part of any of these, please contact the parish office at (724) 981 – 5566.